Monday, September 5, 2011

Assignments for September 5 - 9, 2011

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. Our class is now in full swing, so let's use our time wisely. I have spent a significant amount of time grading your essays and hope to finish them tonight or within the next day or so. Early next week, we will begin working on grammar logs and analytical paragraphs. We've got lots of deep thinking ahead!

Reminders: Please don't forget you have a Dead Word Project due tomorrow. Plus, the Scavenger Hunt is due Friday. (Listen carefully in class this week for several of your answers.) Also, don't forget that we will begin reading Fahrenheit 451 on September 15th. You will need a copy of the novel by then. If you cannot obtain your copy of the text, please see me as soon as possible.

Please also remember, the schedule posted online is a tentative schedule, subject to change based on student progress, school activities, and reviews. We are one day behind from last week, but we can easily make up that time.
Monday - Labor Day Holiday

Tuesday - Library orientation. Meet in the library, not in the classroom. Dead Word Project due today.

Wednesday - After a brief vocabulary review, students will complete their literary elements posters.

Thursday - After another brief vocabulary review, students will present their posters to the class as a literary elements review.

Friday - Students will complete a test covering the vocabulary, "The Most Dangerous Game," and literary elements.

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