Monday, January 23, 2012

Assignments for Jan. 23 - 27, 2012


  • The English I Super STAAR Academy will take place again this coming Saturday. Sessions start at 9:00 AM and continue through 12:30. Check the schedule for sessions offered this weekend. Hope to see you there!

  • Be the Change projects will be carried out January 31st through February 3rd.

  • No late work will be accepted.

Monday -
Students will discuss how to analyze the STAAR prompt page and analyze expository essays containing narrative components.

Tuesday -
Students will compose a timed, in-class essay.

Wednesday -
As a whole class, we will read and respond to student essays to discuss common strengths and weaknesses found in the student writings. Students will begin correcting grammatical errors found in their writings.

Thursday -
Students will swap essays with one another and prepare reverse outlines for the essays they are reviewing. Homework: Students will prepare a summary log of the weaknesses noted on their papers.

Friday -
Students will work independently on essay revisions, grammar logs, and development of ideas in their writings. Homework: Any essays needing revisions will be completed at home by Tuesday, January 31st.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Assignments for the Week of Jan. 16 - 20, 2012

****All pages needed for this project are posted in the column to the left and have the indicator of Be the Change on them.

Monday -
Holiday. No school.

Tuesday -
Read "Thirty-Eight Who Witnessed Murder" and introduce the Be the Change Project.
Homework: Consider ideas for your project. Jot down notes to share with your group tomorrow.

Wednesday -
Discuss the sample project and proposal; review the project requirements; and work on your proposal.
Homework: Write a paragraph of at least seven sentences in which you discuss how Martin Gansberg established his tone in "Thirty-Eight Who Saw Murder Didn't Call Police."

Thursday -
Complete proposal and begin preparing poster for your Be the Change Project.
Homework: Revise your paragraph from Wednesday's homework to include at least four different sentence types and two introductory sentence elements.

Friday -
Complete project proposals and posters.
Homework: Prepare for implementation of your project.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Homework for this weekend . . .

Don't forget to complete the homework this weekend: Read pages 598 - 612 in Write Source and complete the "Try It!" on pages 605 and 608.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Lessons for Jan. 9 - 13

Okay, I realize I've fallen behind. It's time to get myself re-acquainted with our blog. Here we go for the week:

Monday -
Review the TEA expository essay rubric in class. Students will re-create this rubric using their own words as homework.

Tuesday -
Students will read two expository essays in class. Using guided reading, students will identify the primary components of expository essays and discover what development of supporting ideas really is. We will apply the students' knowledge of the rubric to each of the essays read in class. For homework, students will read and label one additional essay and assess their "Honesty" essay based on the rubric to discover their own weaknesses.

Wednesday -
As a class, we will review the basic outline format and use it to outline the essays read in class yesterday. We will then use the reverse outlinning method to help students identify irrelevant details and organizational faux pas in their own writing. For homework, students will revise their essays to improve on their weaknesses.

Thursday -
Students will read "Hip Hop" as a class, stopping intermittently to discuss key ideas. For homework, students will prepare a short response for the selection.

Friday -
Using "Hip Hop" as a director, students will complete an in-class, timed expository writing.