Monday, January 23, 2012

Assignments for Jan. 23 - 27, 2012


  • The English I Super STAAR Academy will take place again this coming Saturday. Sessions start at 9:00 AM and continue through 12:30. Check the schedule for sessions offered this weekend. Hope to see you there!

  • Be the Change projects will be carried out January 31st through February 3rd.

  • No late work will be accepted.

Monday -
Students will discuss how to analyze the STAAR prompt page and analyze expository essays containing narrative components.

Tuesday -
Students will compose a timed, in-class essay.

Wednesday -
As a whole class, we will read and respond to student essays to discuss common strengths and weaknesses found in the student writings. Students will begin correcting grammatical errors found in their writings.

Thursday -
Students will swap essays with one another and prepare reverse outlines for the essays they are reviewing. Homework: Students will prepare a summary log of the weaknesses noted on their papers.

Friday -
Students will work independently on essay revisions, grammar logs, and development of ideas in their writings. Homework: Any essays needing revisions will be completed at home by Tuesday, January 31st.

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