Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year to All

As I sit before my computer with Emerson (my conure) on my shoulder, I'm thinking of you all, wondering what the new year has in store for us. As always, I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow, but for now, I would like to wish you all a wonderful new year full of peace, happiness, well-being, and success in all of your endeavors. Thank you all for being a positive part of this and the upcoming year.
I hope you all had a restful, safe, and enjoyable holiday break. I can hardly wait to see you all on Monday--though one more day won't hurt any of us! Until then . . .

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Poetry Test on Thursday, Dec. 8th

Remember, you have a poetry test on Thursday, so study, study, study! This will cover only the vocabulary unit, but it includes all vocabulary, TP-CASTT, and poetry analysis. Make sure you've studied all of it! If you have questions, be sure to ask them tomorrow!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Semester Exam Review -- Rough version

I'm working on the semester exam review. Part of it is complete, though it is still in the VERY rough stages. Check out its link on Mrs. T's A.C.T. page.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Poetry Extra Credit

The poetry extra credit assignment is posted. Click on the link to Mrs. T's A.C.T. Page (look to the top, left of this page).

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Facebook Page, Old One Deactivated

As it turns out, the second page created is not satisfactory for the school purposes because it requires students to be "friends." That page is now closed. If you wish, you may "Like" Mrs. T's English I Pre-AP/TAG Class page at!/pages/Mrs-Ts-English-I-Pre-APTAG-Class/148790255208772?sk=wall&filter=1 for assistance with classwork and group study. Again, if any inappropriate comments or pictures appear, the author will be blocked from the page. Use the page wisely.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lessons for Nov. 14 - 18, 2011

Monday -
Students will finish analyzing "Dover Beach" and "The Tyger" and apply them to Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. If time allows, students will then discuss any "parking lot" questions they have about the novel.

Tuesday -
Students will complete the unit test for Fahrenheit 451.

Wednesday -
Students will practice TPCASTT, focusing on tone, in "The Bells."

Thursday -
Students will complete their analysis of "The Bells" and identify various poetic devices found in the poem.

Friday -
Students will attend a special Poe performance and drama lecture hosted by our theater classes.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Testing the Facebook Link

Okay, I've been working on this and took the suggestion made to change Blessing's page to a class page. I've tried, but I'm not sure whether it's correctly set-up or not. I need to test run this page and see if it works, so if you get a chance, find it at!/profile.php?id=100002819157949 and try to comment. I know of at least one student who's trying to work through the F451 questions right now; maybe some of your comments can help him.
Remember to keep your comments school appropriate and constructive. Any unacceptable comments will be cause to block you or close the page. Please make this a positive, constructive resource for all.
Thanks to all! Your biggest fan, Mrs. T

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lessons for Nov. 7 - 11, 2011

*Major test coming on Nov. 15th. READ, review, and study! This will cover the entire novel and all vocabulary from the novella.

Monday -
Students will review Part III vocabulary and begin the perspectives chart for major concepts in Fahrenheit 451. Students will complete the chart at home.

Tuesday -
Students will use the information from their charts to inform a class discussion about Bradbury's society and the theme of Fahrenheit 451. ***If the teacher is absent, students may be working on a different activity on this date, and the discussion will take place on Wednesday.

Wednesday -
Students will analyze "Dover Beach" and apply it to Fahrenheit 451. Why would Bradbury select this poem to include in the novel?

Thursday -
Students will read and analyze "The Tyger" and apply it to Montag's character. Why would Bradbury allude to this poem for the final section title of his book?

Friday -
Veteran's Day! No school. Study for the upcoming test on Nov. 15th.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Congratulations Voice of Democracy Entrants!

I want to congratulate each of our students who entered the Voice of Democracy essay/scholarship contest. Most ninth-graders don't believe their activities now will affect them later. I hope this essay proves otherwise. Some of you wrote excellent pieces, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one of you will win and can start building your college nest egg now.

This was a strenuous process for some of you as you came to realize that every detail matters. I'm proud of those of you who stuck it out and completed the process! KUDOS, Kiddos! You rock! Keep up the good work and inspire others around you!

Activities for October 31 - November 4, 2011

I'm sorry this is late, but we've had two schedule changes this week, both impacting our lessons for the week dramatically. We are going to go with what we have listed below, but this may change based on school dictates. Read the board and listen in class for any further changes!

*UIL grade check (gain only) will be this week! Have everything up-to-date before Friday! All grades will be posted by this weekend.

**I think my tutoring will be uninterrupted this week---WOW!!!! I hope to see some of you there!

Monday -
Students will complete a reading check test over Part III, Fahrenheit 451 and the Part II vocabulary.

Tuesday -
Students will continue reading, annotating, and discussing "Berenice." We will finish either today or tomorrow.

Wednesday -
As a class, we will go to the book room to check out grammar books. This is being required of all students. Take your ID's with you! If time remains in class, we will finish "Berenice."

Thursday -
Some classes will participate in a tornado guidance and drills. Please listen carefully as the safety of all students in our class is at stake. With what time remains, we will review Vocabulary III and finish any loose ends.

Friday -
Students will complete a timed expository writing.

**We will have a full, unit length test over Fahrenheit 451, within the next two weeks. Please, if you haven't already done so, read the novella carefully and finish any incomplete vocabulary cards.

***Binders will be checked early next week. Listen for more details in class.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lessons for October 24 - 28, 2011

*Tutoring for Thursday has been cancelled. However, I will be available to assist students on Friday morning and afternoon.

Monday -
Students will type and revise Voice of Democracy essays in the library.

Students entering the Voice of Democracy contest will read their essays aloud; peers will offer delivery advice. Then, students will begin presenting Post-mortem of a Protagonist quotations and explanations, allowing for discussion.

Wednesday -
Students will complete the Post-mortem of a Protagonist presentations and review basic components of fiction.

Thursday -
Students will compose a timed short story using all elements of fiction.

Friday -
Students will begin reading "Berenice."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lessons for October 17 - 21, 2011

Monday -
Students will complete the Post Mortem of a Protagonist activity. Any students who need additional time will need to come in before school to complete their assignment.

Tuesday - Friday -
Students will be revising their Voice of Democracy essays. Each day will include a mini-writing lesson (Tuesday - Peer Response Session Guidelines, Wednesday - Strengthening Verbs in Writing, Thursday - Adding Sentence Variety, and Friday - Using transitions effectively). Students will then be allowed to conduct peer response sessions and work on their revisions. As needed, students will revise essays at home and bring the newer versions to class for more responses.

**All students will have fully revised drafts in class on Monday, October 24th.

***Tutoring for this week has been changed due to after school meetings. There will be no tutoring after school on Monday or Tuesday. The teacher will be available before school Tuesday - Friday or after school Wednesday - Friday.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tutoring Cancelled Again

I'm sorry everyone, but I received another e-mail last night dictating that I attend another training meeting this afternoon. In other words, I can't be in tutoring again today after school. Again, I apologize. I was completely unaware of this; otherwise, I would have told you earlier.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tutoring Changes for the Week

Due to parent conferences and faculty meetings, I will not be able to tutor after school on Tuesday (10/4) or Wednesday (10/5) of this week. Please see me if we need to re-schedule your tutoring time.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Overview for Oct. 3 - 7, 2011

**All students should be reading Fahrenheit 451 and preparing the correlating vocabulary cards and dialectical journals.

Monday -
Part I vocabulary review; review outline format; analyze and outline Beatty's speech

Tuesday -
Part I vocabulary review; complete character analysis as whole class

Wednesday -
Part I vocabulary review; review setting/tone/mood, and analyze these components in excerpts from the novel

Thursday -
Complete the vocabulary quiz for Part I of Fahrenheit 451

Friday -
Review and practice preparing literary analysis paragraphs
Homework: Students will complete a character analysis paragraph following the format studied in class over the weekend.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lessons for Sept. 26 - 30, 2011

I'm so sorry I have not gotten these posted yet. I guess I have to use an amnesty pass.

Monday -

  • Practice analogies using the vocabulary words for "Harrison Bergeron"

  • Complete our reading and annotation of "Harrison Bergeron"

Tuesday -

  • Complete the test covering "Harrison Bergeron," the HB vocabulary, literary elements, and Fahrenheit 451

Wednesday -

  • Discuss root words for our Fahrenheit 451 vocabulary

  • Introduce and take notes over science fiction as a literary genre and the historical/social context of Fahrenheit 451

Thursday -

  • Discuss more root words for our current vocabulary

  • Post and discuss "Parking Lot" questions for Fahrenheit 451

  • Homework: Students will locate, identify, and record three quotations showing different methods of indirect characterization used by Bradbury to reveal Montag, Clarisse, Mildred, and Beatty.

Friday -

  • Using flash cards, students will quiz one another over the F451 vocabulary

  • Using specific excerpts from the text, students will practice analyzing setting, tone, and mood in Part I of F451

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Because so many students will be absent on Friday for various activities, our "Harrison Bergeron"/Fahrenheit 451, Part I test has been postponed until Monday. Study over the weekend! Remember, your test will include "Harrison Bergeron," HB vocabulary, Fahrenheit 451 (Part I only), and the literary elements. Summative grade #2.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Overview for September 19 - 23, 2001

Monday -
Vocabulary flashcards due.
Vocabulary review, grade Scavenger Hunt, complete review of literary elements, and complete literary elements activity
Homework: Students should be completing the dialectical journals and the reading of Part I of Fahrenheit 451.

Tuesday -
Vocabulary review, instruction and practice with annotation and highlighting in "Harrison Bergeron" (handout from the teacher)

Wednesday -
***Yearbook pictures!
Vocabulary review, complete annotation/highlighting activity for "Harrison Bergeron"

Thursday -
Vocabulary review, analyze "The Trees"

Friday -
Dialectical Journals Due
Vocabulary, "Harrison Bergeron, Part I (F451) test

Friday, September 16, 2011

Homework & Other Notes:

  • Vocabulary flash cards for Part I of Fahrenheit 451 are to be finished by Monday, Sept. 19.

  • Revised literary elements notes are also due on Monday, Sept. 19.

  • You should be reading Part I of Fahrenheit 451, to be completed by Friday, Sept. 23.

  • Five dialectical journals from Part I are due when you enter class on Friday, Sept. 23.

***Yearbook pictures will be taken on Wednesday, Sept. 21 during our English class. Come in beautified!

***Progress reports go out Tuesday. I hope you've completed all of your work.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Slight Change in Lesson Plans

We've been working hard, but the need to fully re-teach the literary elements instead of simply reviewing them has caused us to fall behind by a day or two. Thus, we will work with "Harrison Bergeron" next week instead of today and tomorrow.

To help you better internalize these literary elements, your homework for tonight is to re-write the notes in an organized fashion (Cornell, if possible). These notes WILL be graded, so write them neatly in pencil.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Assignments for Sept. 12 - 16, 2011

Monday - Students will complete the Discussion Web focusing on equality and a "Perfect World Predictions" response.

Tuesday - Students will acquire the new vocabulary for our "Harrison Bergeron" and discuss inequality. Vocabulary for "Harrison Bergeron" includes: vigilance, transmitter, sashweight, envious, impediment, luminous, grackle, calibrate, hindrance, spectacles, consternation, cower, hobbled, synchronize, capered, gravely, flounce, gambol, rivetting, doozy.

Wednesday - Students will review basic literary elements and apply them to "The Most Dangerous Game."

Thursday - Students will review the basics of annotation and practice annotating with "Harrison Bergeron." Students will complete the reading and annotation of "Harrison Bergeron" for homework. Students should have acquired Fahrenheit 451 by today; students will begin reading this selection tomorrow night.

Friday - Students will discuss literary elements of "Harrison Bergeron" and discuss the reading schedule for Fahrenheit 451.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Assignments for September 5 - 9, 2011

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. Our class is now in full swing, so let's use our time wisely. I have spent a significant amount of time grading your essays and hope to finish them tonight or within the next day or so. Early next week, we will begin working on grammar logs and analytical paragraphs. We've got lots of deep thinking ahead!

Reminders: Please don't forget you have a Dead Word Project due tomorrow. Plus, the Scavenger Hunt is due Friday. (Listen carefully in class this week for several of your answers.) Also, don't forget that we will begin reading Fahrenheit 451 on September 15th. You will need a copy of the novel by then. If you cannot obtain your copy of the text, please see me as soon as possible.

Please also remember, the schedule posted online is a tentative schedule, subject to change based on student progress, school activities, and reviews. We are one day behind from last week, but we can easily make up that time.
Monday - Labor Day Holiday

Tuesday - Library orientation. Meet in the library, not in the classroom. Dead Word Project due today.

Wednesday - After a brief vocabulary review, students will complete their literary elements posters.

Thursday - After another brief vocabulary review, students will present their posters to the class as a literary elements review.

Friday - Students will complete a test covering the vocabulary, "The Most Dangerous Game," and literary elements.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Assignments for Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2011

Monday - Complete diagnostic introductions.

Tuesday - Write "The Most Dangerous Game" pre-journal, assign Scavenger Hunt (due Sept. 9th), review essays and grammar top-ten errors, set-up class notebooks.

Wednesday - Acquire "Most Dangerous Game" vocabulary, review literary elements.

Thursday - Prepare literary elements posters for "MDG."

Friday - Present group literary elements posters.

Weekend Reading: "American History" by Judith Cofer (pgs. 239 - 252)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Textbook Online Log-Ins

I have added ALL students to the Pearson online textbook system. To log-in to the online textbook, go to

When you are asked for your log-in username, type in the initial of your first name and then your full last name (for example, mine would be kthompson). If your initial plus last name is less than six characters, use the underscore to complete your six-character log-in (for example, dyi___ or ayu___). If your name is very common, like Johnson, you must type in both your full first and last names (Arreaga, this applies to you as well). If you have a hyphenated or double last name, use the initial of your first name and only the first of the two last names.

Your password is your student ID number. Simple, huh.

Okay, give it a shot, and then if you still have difficulty, e-mail me at so I can help you get in.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy reading "The Most Dangerous Game."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Shifting Assignments

Because of some shifting, our Scavenger Hunt assignment will be distributed on Monday. Students will have 15 additional minutes to complete the diagnostic on Friday, if needed, and introductory presentations will run over into Monday's class. We will be on track soon, though!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Assignments for August 22 - 26, 2011

Monday -
Students will complete the student information page, be informed of the supplies needed for the class, get cards to design for the birthday board, and discuss the expectations for Pre-AP students. Birthday Cards due Tuesday, August 23rd.

Tuesday -
Students will ask any questions regarding Pre-AP course contracts and expectations and begin writing their diagnostic essays. Signed course contracts due by Friday. Assign diagnostic presentation, due Friday.

Wednesday -
Students will complete their diagnostic essays. If time allows, begin reviewing class rules.

Thursday -
Complete class rules review. Assign Dead Word Project (due September 5th) and Scavenger Hunt (due September 9th).

Friday -
Begin diagnostic presentations. All course contracts due by today.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome to a New Year!!!!!

Greetings from your Pre-AP/TAG teacher! I would like to welcome each of you to Ellison High School and our English I Pre-AP/TAG class for the 2011-2012 school year. We will hit the road running and maintain a steady pace throughout the year. So, get your running shoes on (metaphorically speaking); we are ready to start the race!

You will need some supplies . . .

Successful organization of class materials and notes can boost your academic success. Organization simplifies life for students by helping them keep materials in one, easy-to-find location and allowing them to quickly access needed papers. Thus, this skill will be emphazided through our use of class binders this year. The list of class materials needed can be found below:

  • 1 3-ring binder, at least one inch

  • White, loose-leaf notebook paper

  • #2 pencils (maybe extra erasers)

  • 6 tab dividers for your class binder (can be self-made)

  • One or more highlighters

  • One spiral notebook

  • 3 X 3 sticky notes
**Other supplies--such as markers, a ruler, colored pencils, glue, poster boards, etc.--will be necessary for specific projects throughout the year. However, these will not be needed daily in class.

Please note: students will not receive a grade for having these specific items in class. However, I will expect every student to maintain a class binder for English I Pre-AP/TAG class notes and materials. If you are trying to procure these materials but are experiencing difficulty in doing so, please let me know discreetly.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Assignments for May 2 - 6, 2011

No tutoring Monday, May 2nd, before or after school.

No tutoring Thursday after school due to 504 meeting.

Pre-AP English I -

  • Independent reading assignments due on Friday, May 6th: Scholarly article with written summary/response and poetry connection and explanation

  • Complete reading of Romeo & Juliet, Act III

  • Complete study questions for Act III

  • If we finish Act III by Thursday, the Acts II and III test will be administered Friday, May 6th. If we finish on Friday, the test will be administered on Monday, May 8th.

  • Continue working on the independent reading project.

Dual Credit 1302:

  • All students will bring research paper drafts to class on Monday, May 2nd, for peer response and editing sessions.

  • "A Doll's House" should be read prior to coming to class on Tuesday, May 3rd.

  • Review for drama test Wednesday.

  • Drama unit test Thursday.

  • The Scarlet Letter completed reading project is due by Friday, May 6th.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Assignments for April 25 - 29, 2011

Students will be taking the TAKS test this week. Freshmen will test Thursday and Friday; juniors will test Wednesday - Friday. The school schedule will change only for Thursday and Friday. Please refer to the EHS main site for more information regarding schedule changes.

My hall duty this week will be on Tuesday morning. I will not be available before school either Monday or Tuesday morning for tutoring.

Pre-AP English I -

  • Read and discuss Act II of Romeo & Juliet

  • Independent reading style analysis assignment due Monday, April 25th

  • View Acts I and II of the 1968 Franco Zeffirelli version of Romeo & Juliet

  • Independent reading one-pager due Friday, April 29th

Dual Credit 1302 -

  • Students should have scheduled research paper conferences already.

  • We will continue working with research papers and annotated bibliographies this week.

  • TAKS testing Wednesday - Friday. Do your best!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Assignments for April 18 - 22, 2011

No tutoring on Monday, April 18th due to an after-school meeting.
Pre-AP English I -

  • Complete Act I readings and study questions

  • Test covering Act I

  • Begin reading Act II

  • Homage to Shakespeare this Friday--Projects due on that date (see assignment page distributed in class)

  • Independent style analysis project moved to Monday, April 25th (see examples distributed in class)

Dual Credit 1302 -

  • View part I of Oedipus

  • The Scarlet Letter critical scholarly article discussion

  • All research sources due IN CLASS on Wednesday, April 20th

  • Research paper conferences must be scheduled for April 19th - May 2nd (remember, 9th-grade tutoring takes place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons)

  • Revise annotated bibliography

  • Revise poetry explications

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Focu Poems for Dual Credit Poetry Test

"Eagle Poem" (638) "A Work of Artifice" (785) "The Bells" (870)" "The Geese" (957) "A Noiseless Patient Spider" (972) "I Hear America Singing" (1191)

Friday, April 8, 2011

For the Week of April 4 - 8, 2011

I'm sorry the blog is not updated this week. As many of you already know, it was blocked by our district technology office for some reason. I've just discovered that it is now back up and running. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused any of you, but this technical difficulty was beyond my control.

Pre-AP English I-

  • Students completed the STAAR test on Monday and Tuesday

  • Review of Shakespeare's background information (Renaissance England, Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet, Elizabethan theater)

  • First summative exam administered on Friday, April 8th

  • Reminder: Shakespeare's birthday project, April 22nd

  • Independent reading stylistic analysis due April 22nd

Dual Credit 1302

  • Students worked on and presented poetry explication lessons in class

  • Annotated bibliographies due Friday, April 8th

  • Reminder: The Scarlet Letter article discussions are on April 18th

  • Research Paper Draft Conferences: April 18th - May 2nd

  • Final Research Paper: May 13th

  • The Scarlet Letter project: May 7th

Monday, March 28, 2011

Assignments for March 28 - April 1, 2011

Pre-AP English I -

  • Discuss expectations for the independent reading project

  • Introduce Elizabethan/Renaissance theater

  • Learn about Shakespeare's background and writings

  • Complete background test

Dual Credit 1302 -

  • Discuss expectations for the Scarlet Letter novel project

  • Prepare poetry explication lessons regarding Dickinson, Frost, Hughes, and Plath

  • Begin presenting poetry lessons on Friday

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Assignments for March 21 - 25, 2011

This is the last week of this nine-weeks term.
I will probably be absent on Friday.
All grade/late work concerns need to be handled before then.
Pre-AP English I -
  • Discuss Animal Farm as an allegory
  • Review persuasive appeals in Animal Farm
  • Nine-weeks exam on Thursday
  • Pamphlets due by Wednesday
  • Coming up: Romeo & Juliet

Dual Credit 1302 -

  • Introduction to library databases on Monday
  • Review literary analysis paragraphs in class on Tuesday
  • Discussion of poems in first three chapters of poetry unit
  • Remember: Research topics must be approved prior to starting research. Unapproved topics will earn a 0 on the research paper. Get topics in quickly!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Assignments for March 7 - 11, 2011

**Because I will be in a parent conference, there will be no tutoring Monday after school.

***It has not yet certain whether or not I will be in school on Thursday. Please check with me Wednesday to find out if I will be in school for tutoring on Thursday.

Pre-AP English I -

  • Students will finish reading Animal Farm, 2 chapters per evening
  • Reading check quizzes will be administered daily
  • Students will begin preparing and publishing an objective newspaper article and a persuasive pamphlet in response to portions of Animal Farm
  • Students will note and discuss propaganda techniques illustrated through Animal Farm
  • Students will work on grammatical elements commonly found in the research papers

Dual Credit 1302

  • Students will discuss the research process, focusing on the annotated bibliography and noted and source cards
  • Students should independently read chapters 32-36 in the Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers
  • Students will discuss the different types of plagiarism and how to avoid them
  • Students will begin explicating poems in class

Friday, February 25, 2011

Super Saturday TAKS Tutoring Offered 2/26 AM

Based on student feedback, I have opened a Super Saturday TAKS preparation/review session for this Saturday only. I will be in the classroom between 9:00 and 12:00 Saturday (2/26) morning. Students may come to the room for TAKS practice, preparation, and review at that time if they wish to do so.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Assignments for Feb. 21 - 25, 2011

Due to a parent conference, Tuesday's before school tutoring has been cancelled.
Also, Thursday's after school tutoring session will be shortened, ending at 4:35, to allow for my attendance at an important teachers' informational meeting.
Students may come in on Wednesday or Friday for additional assistance.
I'm sorry for any inconvenience.
***UIL Grade Check is Friday, Feb. 25th.
Make sure all work has been submitted!!!
English Language Arts TAKS is March 1st. Are you ready?????

Pre-AP English I -
  • Research paper revisions due Feb. 25th.
  • This week, we will review short responses/crossover responses, literary terminology, and TAKS strategies.
  • Students will be reading short selections at home and/or preparing short responses to the texts read each evening.

Dual Credit 1302 -

  • Short story analysis essay due March 4th--MLA format.
  • Short story test is Feb. 28th.
  • Reading schedule: Tuesday, chapter 8 overview and "The Hammon and the Beans"; Wednesday, "Sonny's Blues" and "The Lesson"; Thursday, Poe overview as well as "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Cask of Amontillado"; Friday, "The Masque of the Red Death" and "The Black Cat."
  • Though they are not assigned readings, the critical essays following the Poe chapter are recommended reading.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Assignments for Feb. 14 - 18, 2011

Pre-AP English I -
  • Research papers are to be revised by Feb. 25th. Remember, the old draft and rubric must be submitted with the new revisions. Summative grade.
  • Rhetorical Valentines are due by Monday. We will probably have to swap Tuesday. Remember to write your messages on a separate sheet of paper and identify the rhetorical device used in the Valentine. I will use this for grading the written portion of the card.
  • We will finish the short response graphic organizer on Monday or Tuesday. You will have reading homework each night next week. Be prepared to read and annotate carefully. You will have a daily mini-quiz over the previous night's reading.
  • You will complete both a STARS report and a graphic organizer for selected texts next week.
  • Grammar Focus: Commas and Capitalization

Dual Credit 1302 -

  • Discussion entry for "Blue Winds Dancing" due by Wednesday. It's posted on the Dual Credit Combined discussion forum.
  • Short responses will be assigned for "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall." An additional crossover response will be required.
  • Readings: Monday - "Hills Like White Elephants," Ch. 7 opening, and "Unfinished Masterpieces"; Tuesday - "Young Goodman Brown"; Wednesday - "The Chrysanthemums" and "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall"; Thursday - Ch. 8 overview, "The Lesson," and "The Hammon and the Beans"; Friday - "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" and "The Yellow Wallpaper."
  • Start working on your first essay. It will be due March 4th.
  • The short story exam will be February 28th.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pre-AP English I Adjustment

Because of the day out and the time we're taking for the TAKS short response introductions, DIDLS, "On Summer," and the research paper revision have been postponed. These will be addressed more fully in classes next week. The revised research paper draft will now be due Feb. 25th.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Assignments for Feb. 7 - 11, 2011

Pre-AP English I -
  • Memorize and be able to identify prepositions
  • Review errors with run-ons, comma splices, and sentence fragments
  • Introduce and practice DIDLS tone analysis activity
  • Learn and practice proper literary analysis short response format
  • Read and respond to "On Summer"
  • Begin revising research paper, new draft due by February 18th

Dual Credit 1302 -

  • Submit literary analysis approach handout on Tuesday
  • Respond to online discussion board
  • Read and respond to chapter 5 overview and "Battle Royal" (Monday), "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" (Tuesday), "Blue Winds Dancing" (Wednesday), chapter 6 overview and "The Story of an Hour" (Thursday), and "Barn Burning" and "Hills Like White Elephants" (Friday)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

**Dual Credit Change**

Because we are about one day behind, let's postpone chapter 4 and "Battle Royal" until Monday. Tomorrow, we will discuss "Luck," "The House on Mango Street," and "And Sarah Laughed." We will discuss "The Shawl" and "The River" on Friday.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Assignments for January 30 - Feb. 4, 2011

English I Pre-AP -

  • Complete the "Embedding Quotations" mini-workshop
  • Begin reading and discussing non-fiction selections
  • Introduce ethos, pathos, and logos and discuss how they are used as persuasive approaches
  • Review sentence combining difficulties and pronoun-antecedent agreement

Dual Credit 1302 -

  • Monday - Finish chapter 2 (point of view) discussion, begin chapter 3 (characters) overview, discuss "A Jury of Her Peers" and "Two Kinds"
  • Tuesday - Finish Monday's discussion, discuss "Luck," finish chapter 3
  • Wednesday - Discuss chapter 4 (setting) overview, discuss "The House on Mango Street" and "And Sarah Laughed"
  • Thursday - Discuss "The Shawl," finish chapter 4
  • Friday - Discuss chapter 5 (structure) overview, discuss "Battle Royal"
  • Assign literary approaches introduction pages
  • Complete weekly discussion boards

Friday, January 21, 2011

Assignments for January 24 - 28, 2011

Pre-AP English I
  • Mini-workshops: "Incorporating Quotations Fluently" and "Proper Essay Development and Focus"
  • Begin informational text focus
  • Review short response format
  • Dead Word Projects now due on Monday, Jan. 24th

Dual Credit English 1302

  • response to discussion question by Tuesday, Jan. 25th
  • Signed Scholastic Honesty Policy and course syllabus due by Monday, Jan. 24th
  • Read and analyze "A Worn Path" (114-118), "Everyday Use" (108-113), "How to Become a Writer" (146-149), "The Lottery" (140 - 149), "The Cousins" (150 - 163), "Cathedral" (pg.s 180 - 188), Chapters 2 and 3 overviews.

Friday, January 14, 2011

REVISED: Assignments for January 17 - 21, 2011

Pre-AP English I

  • No school on Monday and Tuesday
  • Complete district CBM
  • Prepare "Dead Word" project, due Friday
  • Review MLA format and research paper development

Dual Credit English 1302

  • No school Monday and Tuesday
  • Complete CBM
  • Review ENGL 1302 syllabus
  • Read pgs. 1-54 independently and be prepared to utilize information when analyzing and responding to literary works*
  • Read and take notes over pgs. 56 - 70, overview of fiction and the literary elements*
  • Read and discuss in class "A Rose for Emily" (pgs. 89 - 94*) and "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" (pgs. 71 - 76).

*All readings are found in Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, 9th edition. Students are responsible for acquiring the appropriate textbook for class.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Assignments for the Week of Jan. 3 - 7, 2011

Pre-AP English I
  • Turn in final research papers by Tuesday, January 4th. Papers must be typed and in MLA format.
  • Bring textbooks to class for poetry study.
  • Review sound devices and figurative language; identify and analyze these in various poems.
  • Complete poetry unit test on Friday.

Dual Credit English 1301

  • Continue reading argumentative/persuasive essays
  • Carefully read ""How the Schools Shortchange Boys" (536), "A War Against Boys?" (543), "Time to Think About Torture" (551), "Now the Talk Is About Bringing Back Torture" (556), "The Border on Our Backs" (561), and "Se Habla Entitlement" (566) in preparation for the final exam essay.
  • Finish reading and discussing Yuh Ji-Yeon (520) and Quindlen (532).
  • Complete discussion/review of rhetorical fallacies.