Saturday, February 12, 2011

Assignments for Feb. 14 - 18, 2011

Pre-AP English I -
  • Research papers are to be revised by Feb. 25th. Remember, the old draft and rubric must be submitted with the new revisions. Summative grade.
  • Rhetorical Valentines are due by Monday. We will probably have to swap Tuesday. Remember to write your messages on a separate sheet of paper and identify the rhetorical device used in the Valentine. I will use this for grading the written portion of the card.
  • We will finish the short response graphic organizer on Monday or Tuesday. You will have reading homework each night next week. Be prepared to read and annotate carefully. You will have a daily mini-quiz over the previous night's reading.
  • You will complete both a STARS report and a graphic organizer for selected texts next week.
  • Grammar Focus: Commas and Capitalization

Dual Credit 1302 -

  • Discussion entry for "Blue Winds Dancing" due by Wednesday. It's posted on the Dual Credit Combined discussion forum.
  • Short responses will be assigned for "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall." An additional crossover response will be required.
  • Readings: Monday - "Hills Like White Elephants," Ch. 7 opening, and "Unfinished Masterpieces"; Tuesday - "Young Goodman Brown"; Wednesday - "The Chrysanthemums" and "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall"; Thursday - Ch. 8 overview, "The Lesson," and "The Hammon and the Beans"; Friday - "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" and "The Yellow Wallpaper."
  • Start working on your first essay. It will be due March 4th.
  • The short story exam will be February 28th.

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