Sunday, September 11, 2011

Assignments for Sept. 12 - 16, 2011

Monday - Students will complete the Discussion Web focusing on equality and a "Perfect World Predictions" response.

Tuesday - Students will acquire the new vocabulary for our "Harrison Bergeron" and discuss inequality. Vocabulary for "Harrison Bergeron" includes: vigilance, transmitter, sashweight, envious, impediment, luminous, grackle, calibrate, hindrance, spectacles, consternation, cower, hobbled, synchronize, capered, gravely, flounce, gambol, rivetting, doozy.

Wednesday - Students will review basic literary elements and apply them to "The Most Dangerous Game."

Thursday - Students will review the basics of annotation and practice annotating with "Harrison Bergeron." Students will complete the reading and annotation of "Harrison Bergeron" for homework. Students should have acquired Fahrenheit 451 by today; students will begin reading this selection tomorrow night.

Friday - Students will discuss literary elements of "Harrison Bergeron" and discuss the reading schedule for Fahrenheit 451.

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